Category: <span>Iran</span>


Mustard seed

Mustard seed is produced from mustard plant. Its history backs to thousand years ago and Ancient Egypt. This spice has taste between sweet and spicy. This spice and the Sause that is provided from it is used with meats, vegetables and cheeses, especially as a condiment for sandwiches, hamburgers, and hot dog. Global market value...



Fenugreek is from Fabaceae family. It has tangy, bitter taste. The origin of this plant backs to South Eastern Europe and West Asia regions. It leaves can be used in many food dishes like sauces, vegetable dishes and soups. The total value of its global market is around 500 million dollars. United State is the...



Garlic is a flowering plant from genus Allium family. Its consumption by human back to the thousand years ago. Asia, specially central Asia and northeastern of Iran are the main region for growing that. it has been using as food flavoring and also traditional medicine in many countries such as Egypt, Japan, China and Greece. Mild...


Iran agriculture

Agriculture is the most important part of Iran economy. According to the statics on 2007 around one third of Iran’s land are capable for agriculture But because of the water distribution and weak soil just 12 percent of these lands are cultivating. Iran agriculture’s system had not been modern until Reza Khan reign. he did...

September 12, 2022September 12, 2022In Iran


Darab city is located in Fars province at the South of Iran. The history of this city backs to 500 years before B.C. It’s population is around 70000 people. Agriculture is the main Economic activity in this city. this city is the main land of cultivating flower, specify damascena rose in Iran. Also, this city...

September 10, 2022September 10, 2022In Iran

Qaen is the heart land of Iranian Sasffron

Qaen is a city at the East of Iran. This city is located at South Khorasan province. This city is famous in the world because of two products, saffron and barberry. Qaen history back to the thousand years ago. Marco polo mentioned to this city in his book. it is said that the name of...


Rose essential oil

Rose essential oil is extracted from damasena rose and has pail yellow color. Rose has been the symbol of love and romance for thousand of years and the smell of its oil remind us the sense of love again. the smell of this oil really helps to relaxing and usually use for soothing the grief....



Cumin is from Apiaceae family. this herb is cultivated largely in Mediterranean region and also Iran, China, India and Mexico are the top countries where this spice grows in them. The history of cultivating it back to the 6th millennium BC and specifically Syria. It’s used as flavor and spice because of its strong taste...

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