Black pepper

Black pepper comes from the Piperaceae family. It is usually dried and is used as a spice and flavor. India is the origin of this seasoning. Some ancient Greek books have mentioned this spice. This spice adds to many dishes and has a piney, citrusy notes taste.

Black pepper
Black pepper

The international market value of this spice is around 3.9 billion dollars. Vietnam is the greatest exporter of black pepper today and around 40 percent of the international market belongs to this country. This country earned 626 million dollars in 2021 from exporting black pepper. Also, the United States and Germany are the biggest importers of this spice. United States black pepper import value was 258 million dollars in 2021.

This spice has a lot of health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has a good effect on the brain. It helps to control the blood sugar and lead to the cholesterol. Also, research shows that this spice has anti-cancer applications. Physicians suggest that consuming 5-20 Mg of this spice per day is useful for body health.

This spice should be stored in a cool and dry place and a tightly sealed container is the best place for keeping that. It usually lasts for 3 months but if it is kept in the freezer this time will expand.

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