
horehound come from mint  family. It has between root beer and licorice taste. This herb is native to Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern and central Asia. extracts of this herb are used as flavoring in foods and beverages.


The global market value of this herb was 800 million dollars in 2018. North America is the largest producer of this herb. in the mentioned year these part of the world produced 180 million dollars of the horehound in the market. Brazil, China and Germany are the top importer of this herb. these countries had 49 percent of the market in 2020.

White horehound is used for digestion problems including loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and liver and gallbladder complaints. It is also used for lung and breathing problems including cough, whooping cough, asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, and swollen breathing passages. Physicians recommend that the consumption of horehound must not be more than  3/4 teaspoon (4.5 grams) per day.

the oil which is extracted from this herb must be kept in refrigerator and if be stored in good condition can last for more than 2 years.

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